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Franchising a Sud


Let me introduce myself, I'm Tim and I'm the founder and owner of Suds 'n' Sons Limited.

If your here reading this then that would probibly give me reason to belive that our stories are simalar. So have a read below and I hope to hear from you soon.

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How Suds 'n' Sons was born.

Back in 2016 I was hapily traveling the country delivering goods all over. I was part of the long hall transport family. This was taking a toll on my own family though and it was one night when I got home after being out for three days, I found my two year old was doing that shy hiding behind a parent thing they do, but I was the person he was shying away from. I knew then that I needed to be at home more. 


The next morning whilst sat in the office I was searching the internet for the normal things "high paying jobs no qualifications" and when that didn't work I added in "UK". After coming up with nothing I remembered that I had not long had my window cleaner (a good friend) come and clean my windows, gutters, fascia's & soffits. Now obviously as he had raided my bank account like only the tax man knows how, I was well up to speed on what he had charged and how long it had taken him to do the work.


By the end of that day I had not only spoken to my friend regarding the industry, I had also rang half a dozen or so suppliers, planned on how I could be a window cleaner in my spare time oh and yes I had bought £1700 worth of the WORST equipment I could. 


It's important to understand right now that I had a plan, I intended to continue working in the transport industry full time as that was where I believed big bucks were always going to be, at the same time during weekends and evenings doing two or three window cleans to attempt to make a dent in my weekly fuel bill, therefore not needing to be away from home overnight anymore. This was a great plan and one that lasted all of August. By the end of my first month doing both I had very quickly realised that I could be more profitable if I were to focus my time on turning my bit on the side into a fulltime business with real financial benefits for my family, plus I would be home more. 


By the end of my first full year cleaning windows I had somehow achieved more financial stability than I had in nearly ten years in the transport industry, I had a job that kept me no more than twenty mins from home and best of all I now get to spend much more time with the ones I love.


Skipping forward a good few years and where down to the stuff I think you want to hear. To date I have helped two of my friends start their own window cleaning business's. One who needed it to be a fulltime job paying all his wages, and the second working partime just working a couple of days a week. The first ha been going for just over two years by himself now and has a fantastic diary with over 400 customers, the second who has been going only a few months at the time of writing this, is still in the early phases, still on the phone most weeks but well on the way to hitting his goals of the equivalent of to full days a week.



So to get right to the important point, you want to know what you can earn. Well we need to talk about that, because its not as easy as "you will make X Y Z" Everyone is different and everyone has different needs in life both financially and in other ways. For instance how much do you NEED to make to pay the bills? How much do you WANT to make for everything else? But also just as importantly is how much time off do you want each year?


So if your looking for a figure on this page, you wont find one. What I will say is people underestimat the value of a window cleaner. To give two examples. My first friend was a fully trained electrician he is now a window cleaner, my second friend was a qualified plasterer and builder for over 30 years, now a window cleaner.


How being part of the Suds '' Sons family will help you?

I have made so many mistakes, you might be surprised to read that but its true. Just a few paragraphs above I told you I bought the worst equipment I could. I meant it this stuff was utter S@%T. I wouldn't even say it was cheap, I mean £1700 big ones, waisted. Oh and dont think it was all roses from there my friends. It took me ages to work out what the prices should be and so many people got some right good deals. I bought equipment that I thought was the best thing since sliced bread that would have me mixing with the rich and famous, I spent money on advertising that as never going to get me a single job because of how I had structured the add or who the ad was with. 


The truth is when you start out it is bloody hard, the easiest thing about it is making the mistakes. But I have made those for you, and now it is time for me to pass on my experience to you. 


With a fully tailored plan to be able to hit the ground running, equipment that will see you making light of the work from day one along with being able to offer a full range of services from the get go. Full training to give you piece of mind on not only how to do the job but how to be professional whilst on it. A vehicle that will turn heads everywhere you go and fully costed and tailored advertising plan and stratagee. No other Suds in your chosen area, there is no reason why you cant be turning a profit by month  4.


Oh and I forgot to mention there is one other thing you will get ME and my time. You wont need this for ever, but especially in the early days, before you price up some new jobs and throughout the first year you will want to know that you doing things correctly, that validation as it were. That is why you will get my personal number, call me anytime you want and I will guide you. Im always going to be there to help you succeed.


So if you think you have what it takes to be a Sud. If you want the freedom that comes from this industry and if you want to be part of a growing family of Suds 


Then the time for reading is over!

Become a Sud

Stand out from the rest

Why should I consider being a Sud? Is it for me?


Become Your Own Sud!

With a tailored Suds 'n' Sons franchise

Do you want to be a window cleaner?

Do you want a successful business?

Do you want a fantastic work life balance?

You need to be a Sud. Lets talk!

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SUDS'N'SONS LIMITED, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 13308857

Registered Company Address: 1 Damaskfield, Worcester, England, WR4 0HY


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